Geoservices Logo

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment


PT Geoservices as a business entity upholds in high priority a management system in quality, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, information security in all Company’s operations. We carry out the business activity by complying all standards ethic codes as well as preserving our noble values. To achieve comprehensive, effective, and efficient implementation, PT Geoservices is committed to:

  • Setting the objectives, targets, and programs in Integrated Management System (IMS), periodically evaluating and monitoring the Company performance in the implementation.
  • Safeguarding impartiality, independency in all Company’s operational and business activities as well as committed to being legally responsible to the information security and confidentiality of the employee and interested parties.
  • Consistently providing products and services that meet or exceed the interested parties’ requirements and expectation as our utmost priority while upholding the aspects of health and safety, as well as environmental protection.
  • Preventing nonconformities, work-related incidents and ill health, environmental pollutions, and data breach through hazard identification, risks analysis, determining controls, mitigations, and provisioning resources required.
  • Providing secure, safe, and supportive workplace for workers as well as being committed to eliminating hazards and risks related to quality, OHS, and environment, and information security in all the Company’s activities.
  • Upholding human rights and gender equality; preventing racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination.
  • Preparing for potential emergencies in health (pandemic), security (riot, sabotage), safety (work accidents), environment (pollution), and information (cyberattack) and establishing the planned responses to support business sustainability.
  • Fostering knowledge, competencies, skills, and awareness of workers through continual training and development programs in quality, OHS, environmental preservation, and information security aspects.
  • Maintaining internal and external communication with employees and interested parties in spirit of openness, responsibility to achieve the objectives, targets, and programs in the integrated management system.
  • Ensuring all Company’s operational and business activities are free from the influence and abuse of illegal drugs and narcotics, alcohol, and other unlawful substances.
  • Implementing a code of ethics and business conduct noble and commendable; creating work environment free of corruption, bribery, gratification, and other illegal and unethical practices.
  • Complying with laws and other applicable requirements to achieve the objectives, target, and programs of the integrated management system as well as maintaining the company's business code of ethics.
  • Implementing planned corrective actions and continual improvement in the aspects of quality, OHS, environment protection, and information security.

The Company policy is documented, maintained, regularly reviewed, and communicated to all employees and other interested parties.

Jakarta, 02 February 2022

Peter A. Pramana

President Director

ISO Certification

Quality Control is a very important element that we value in order to give the best service to our clients. As proof of our concern for quality, Geoservices have been certified with ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ISO/IEC 17020:2012, and ISO 14001:2015.

Geoservices always pays attention to the standardization of safety and health of its employees. One way to do this is to ensure that the company meets applicable safety standards. Currently, Geoservices has obtained safety certification such as ISO 45001:2018 and CSMS (Contractor Safety Management System).

  • a. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
  • b. ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • c. ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems
  • d. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Genera Requirements For The Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
  • e. ISO/IEC 17020:2012 General Criteria For The Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection
  • f. ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System


Laboratorium Penguji

  • LP-336-IDN
  • LP-1364-IDN
  • LP-548-IDN
  • LP-072-IDN
  • Lembaga Inspeksi

  • LI-055-IDN
  • LI-115-IDN
  • LI-254-IDN